Friday, September 25, 2015

First Term Ends...

So my first term of art class ended on Wednesday. It's been 10 weeks already! The time just went so quick, and I look back to where I was before I started and see where I am now and I'm amazed at the progress one can make in 10 weeks. I don't think I am necessarily this fabulous artist with strong technique and skill, but my cousin maiden century has definitely grown which has helped me attempt different pieces and methods that I would have been too scared to try before. I think with me so much of my own self progress is dependant on my confidence, if it's low then I don't practice as much or try to stretch myself, but when it's running high, I truly think I can try anything.

Paid today for my next term because I can't imagine stopping these classes now that I've just started and seen the transformation with my art and my self. Holding out now for October 14 for the first class of the next term.

Today was such a beautiful day and I am running on such a high that I thought I would do a happy summer piece, it's not perfect but I like it.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Sometimes it's an avocado

So I had yesterday off work, I took it off to try and get some painting in and to start a new piece for my art class. It was a beautiful day so I set everything up outside expecting to be extra inspired... And nothing. I tried to paint a few different things, the shed in the backyard, the blossoms on the tree, but nothing was working. So I packed everything up and just decided I would chalk it up to an off day and leave it at that. 
A couple of hours later I still was stewing over the fact that I hadn't accomplished anything and it felt like taking the day off from work was a waste, so I decided I'd try again. This time I set myself up inside at the table and ended up being inspired by a simple avocado.
I think I learnt that for me painting outside is good but I get distracted and can't focus enough on what I'm seeing and painting. 
But here is my avocado.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


I recently started taking an evening art class to try and learn more technique and skill with my painting. On the first night my teacher asked us what we wanted out of the class and straight away I thought 'portraits', I want to learn to paint portraits. 
So for my second art project I've done just that and am currently tackling a portrait. I still have some work to do but it really has worked out better then what I could have imagined.
The big thing I've learnt with this is that colour mixing and shadows are what make the whole face. 
Here is my progress so far.